To the North:
Who can help us: The Moon - illusion, entrapment, hidden enemies
With what element are they associated: Six of Swords - journey by water
What attribute does this being have: Two of Swords reversed - imposture, falsehood, duplicity
What obstacles will be faced: Ten of Pentacles reversed - chance, fatality, loss; Knight of Cups reversed -
trickery, artifice, duplicity
What should be done in this endeavor: Seven of Swords reversed - good advice, counsel
What will be the result of success: Strength - an overwhelming fortitude, perhaps enough to defeat the fire
To the East:
Who can help us: The Fool - adventurous and impulsive
With what element are they associated: Ace of Swords - air in great force, crown significant
What attribute does this being have: Seven of Cups - images, reflection, imagination, all fleeting and
What obstacles will be faced: Four of Cups - unsatisfaction, no consolation taken in an offered gift; Wheel
reversed - Unforeseen interruption or intrusion from an outside force
What should be done in this endeavor: Eight of Wands - swiftness as of an express messenger, great haste, with
hope for a felicitous end
What will be the result of success: Eight of Pentacles - work, employment, commission
To the South:
Who can help us: The Magician - one of great knowledge and power, who has had a long life in which to learn
to shape his or her surroundings
With what element are they associated: Ten of Wands - Fire - could mean fortune and success, but also perhaps
the oppression of these
What attribute does this being have: Knight of Pentacles - utility, serviceableness, interest
What obstacles will be faced: Nine of Swords reversed - suspicion, doubt, reasonable fear; Death - pretty
darn obvious
What should be done in this endeavor: Six of Wands - expectation crowned with its own desire, the crown of
What will be the result of success: Three of Cups - The conclusion of a matter in merriment, perfection, solace,
and healing
To the West:
Who can help us: The Devil - a slave to subservience, violence, malevolence, cruelty
With what element are they associated: Three of Pentacles reversed - Earth - mediocrity, pettiness
What attribute does this being have: King of Pentacles reversed - vice, ugliness, perversity, corruption
What obstacles will be faced: Queen of Pentacles reversed - evil, suspicion, suspense, fear, mistrust;
Temperance reversed - unstable efforts, disharmony, poor compatibility
What should be done in this endeavor: Seven of Pentacles - money, business, barter
What will be the result of success: Three of Wands reversed - cessation of adversity
If we seek help only from within:
Who can help us: King of Swords - power, command, authority, law
With what element are they associated: Justice (not an element)
What attribute does this being have: Page of Swords - authority, overseeing
What obstacles will be faced: Queen of Swords - widowhood, sadness, mourning, separation; The Tower -
destruction, catastrophe, chaos, maybe freedom at great cost
What should be done in this endeavor: Knight of Wands - departure, absence, flight, emigration
What will be the result of success: Ten of Swords - pain, affliction, tears, sadness, desolation